Audio & Video

The double bass has been a staple of popular music for a very long time. It is one of the oldest and the largest members of the string family of instruments. It’s played with a bow, but it can also be plucked. In classical music training, it’s played bowed, while in other genres it’s often plucked.  It’s the lowest-pitched bow string instrument in the modern symphony orchestra and the only instrument tuned in fourths. Generally, it has four strings tuned to the notes E, A, D and G, going from the lowest to the highest string. A fifth string can be added below the lowest string and tuned to the note C or above the highest string to allow higher strings to be played more easily.   It’s popular in the orchestra but can be heard in a [&hellip


Ever since the invention of cameras in the 1890s, which led to the whole film production, people have been fascinated by the motion pictures. Even to this day going to the theatre is considered one of the favourite pastime activities, so not surprisingly the number of film-goers is always on the rise. Yet, despite the huge interest, given the fact we live in an era where everyone is constantly pressed for time, we may not have the time to visit our beloved theatre as often as we want to


You can find sound equipment Melbourne wide for both DJ’s and enthusiasts alike. If you are making a career with music then your sound equipment is an investment for your future. How long it lasts, all comes down to how you take care of it. Most people believe that sound equipment is at its most vulnerable while being used, this is wrong. Your equipment is at its most vulnerable when you are not using it, this is due to dampness in the air, neglect, and other people handling it. While it’s nice to have people helping you out and sure you probably know a lot of people who are willing to help, it is you that actually set up and put away your audio equipment [&hellip