It’s undeniable that one of the reasons why most people take up the RC hobby is the thrill behind it. It’s a beneficial activity that can bring out the kid in everyone, provide hours and hours of fun, as well as the chance to meet new people, and even learn more skills along the way. Building your own vehicle and adding the finishing touches are all part of the game, but the real excitement comes out when you get to push its limits with an action-packed race.
What Do I Need to Start RC Racing?

Same as with any hobby, activity, or sport, the basics of equipment and knowledge are enough to get you through for a start. When it comes to the RC racing world specifically, this entails:
The Proper Vehicle
Think of this as your main tool for the job, without it you won’t be able to do any racing at all. That’s why you should pick an RC race control car that’s suitable for your needs, what you expect to accomplish and how much you plan to spend to be exact, as well as one that’s suitable for the type of race you’re interested in.
If you’re not sure whether you’re serious about the hobby, you may not want to spend a fortune on the vehicle just yet. As a first-time buyer, you ought to consider some basic factors to determine the right model and make for you. However, there’s more to the shopping than merely deciding on the model, kit, motor, and brand – there’s the thought of the race you’re interested in given that there’s more than one.
You have adequate RC race control cars for the different trails and outcomes, including short course, on-road, drag and drift racing. The first is, as implied, a short race between off-road vehicles with several laps. The second is all about speed with on-road vehicles, whereas the third is like actual full-scale drag racing. The last is about drifting along sideways with a drifter vehicle.
Off-roaders provide you with more variety in terms of the terrains, and you can choose from mighty designs of buggies, monster trucks, short course trucks as well as rock crawlers. On-road RC race cars are the racing/touring cars, the drifters, and some in-between designs like the mix of monster trucks with buggies.
The Skill for Maintenance and Repair
Just as you’d learn how to do some tricks and turns, and how to gain momentum when it comes to speed, you’d have to learn how to inspect your car before and after every race and how to properly take care of the maintenance and repairs to ensure a long lifespan, and lots of hours of fun. Besides paying attention to the battery capacity and operation, you’d have to keep an eye on the connection between the car and the controller, as well as the brakes.
Electrical issues could appear too along the run, so it’s important to know a thing or two about how to tackle them once they appear. Loose parts are trouble, meaning you’d have to also know a thing or two about mechanics even if you haven’t opted for an RC race control kit you got to assemble yourself. While we’re at it, tyres could be another pain in the neck, which is why you require the perfect set of tools to accompany you before the race. If you don’t have any, then it’s tool-shopping o’clock!
The Race

Every beginner needs to start somewhere. You may not be a pro just yet, however, challenging yourself with the races will help you take your RC racing skills to a whole other level. If you’re already past the racing with your family and friends, then it might be a good idea to take a look at what the RCRA (Remote Control Racing Australia) has for you and your hobby.
From on-road and off-road options to specific EP (electric powered), IC (internal combustion), and LS (large scale) races, you can find everything you need to know about the available clubs in your region, as well as events and news, so you’ll never miss out on the fun RC racing can offer. Being organised with the hobby can be of help with learning the basic guidelines and meeting up with like-minded individuals. Not everything is about the victory and prize, you know!
The Etiquette
To be able to become a part of the RC racing world, there are some rules and regulations to abide by. Minding the way you dress, the language you use, and how you behave with other racers is all part of the game, as is ensuring you’re in the right category and class, with the appropriate battery, motor and radio frequency needed to be in the race in the first place. It’s all fun and games as long as you keep the sportsman’s conduct and respect what you’re there for in the first place – the thrill of the race.