Aromatherapy Tips: How to Use Essential Oils to Reap the Most Benefits

By Maria Rogerson

July 26, 2016Health & Beauty


Whether you want a soothing massage, to improve the complexion of your skin or maybe you need something that can put you in a good mood, pure essential oils offer all of this and a lot more. These wonderful gifts of nature come with many advantages and can be used in many different ways. Essential oils are extracted from the leaves, flowers, roots and barks of plants and contain their most powerful healing properties. They come out in a pure liquid form and are very concentrated so that’s why they come in small bottles. You only need a small amount of them since just a few drops of pure essential oil can do wonders for your health. They are an ancient healing secret and have been used for thousands of years due to their beauty and health benefits.

Nowadays these healing oils are well-known for their antibacterial and antioxidant features and can be the perfect medicine for treating bruises, headaches, fevers, sunburns, etc. Moreover only a few drops of a pure essential oil can be a great stress reliever and provide amazing aromatherapy. There are many different methods to use essential oils. They can be inhaled, ingested or you can apply them directly to the skin.

First, you should choose the right pure essential oil for you as each one has its own specific benefits. Known for its soothing effects, lavender oil is great for treating anxiety, depression, headaches and can have a positive influence on your overall mental health. Acne are a common problem that can damage the texture of the skin and this is where tea tree oil can really come in handy. It has great antiseptic and anti-viral properties which makes it the perfect solution for acne prone skin. Rosemary is another amazing oil that can help with bad digestion, muscle soreness and respiratory problems, including asthma. I could keep talking about the different essential oils and their amazing benefits all day, but let’s see how you can actually use them. Here are a few aromatherapy tips that can help you reap the most benefits.

Diffusing essential oils

Diffusing essential oils is a great way to bring more positive vibes to your home. This can help you create a relaxing and pleasant ambience where you and your family can totally relax in the comfort of your home. Put just a very small amount of your favourite pure essential oil in the diffuser and place it in your living room or bedroom for the ultimate calming effect.

Prepare a soothing bath

There is nothing more relaxing after a long day at work than a nice warm bath. Mix a few drops of essential oil with one tablespoon of milk or honey and add that to your bath. Aromatherapy baths are very beneficial and can help you get rid of any muscle pains. Furthermore, they can enhance blood circulation, reduce stress as well as improve the tone and texture of your skin.

Great massage oils

There’s no person in this world who does not love all the benefits that come from a soothing massage. Therefore, when looking for great massage oils, consider pure essential ones. To make the perfect massage blend, mix an oil of your choice with some other herbal or vegetable oil. For adults the concentration of essential oil should not be more than 1%, as for children the limit is 0.5%.