
The fitness and athletic clothing industry has proved to be a giant in the Australian economy over the last few years with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. All the health food and healthy lifestyle trends that have been popping up these last few years have clearly had an impact in the way consumers spend their money as this market grew outstandingly. In 2015 alone, it raked in 2 billion dollars in revenue and annual growth rose by 8.8%.

Another section of this industry that has grown significantly over the last couple of years, has been the online athletic apparel industry. This is mostly due to people getting better with computers and more comfortable with buying sports gear online. According to latest reports, this industry sector has had an annual growth of 22.6% and a revenue of 71 million dollars. The future outcome of this industry is only expected to grow and double in size with the retail store section expected to grow 5.0% per year and sports gear online sales section is expected to grow a big 14.6% per year.

These industries have done wonders in providing jobs, especially the athletic apparel retail industry with jobs rising to 6,792 in 2015, even though there are only 77 businesses accounted for in the athletic apparel retail sector and another 76 businesses accounted for in the online sector. These numbers seem quite small compared to some other industries which gave space for opportunities, so if you are looking to invest in something with a promising future this is the industry to consider.

When I ask people who just started practising yoga what the mat serves for, their answers are always so funny: “not to lay on the filthy floor” , “so my butt doesn’t hurt from sitting on a solid surface” and similar answers that are logical, but not the main point of owning a yoga mat. But it’s okay, I don’t get upset about it; most of the people who think like this about the yoga mat are beginners in the world of yoga and meditation, so this can only count as a thing to laugh at later. However, it would be good to be familiarized with some basic facts before you decide to buy a yoga mat.&nbsp


I don’t think there’s a better feeling for a skater than getting on the skateboard and hitting the tracks in the skate park. Talk about adrenaline hitting the roof! It’s the type of activity you crave to do every day, not just something you feel obliged to because you don’t want to end up forgetting how to ride the deck. Skateboarding gives you a unique feeling – once you put your feet on that small piece of wood and the wheels start rolling down the road, you feel the control, the urge to speed up and eventually jump with the skateboard and try to keep it on your feet while in the air. Yup, it’s kind of art as every skater will do a different [&hellip


If you think weight loss is an individual thing, just look at the industry – mass production of weight loss products simply because losing weight for over-weight people is no longer a choice, it’s a medical prescription therapy, it’s a social standard, it’s a complete game-changer. And while some people manage to get a few kilograms off by sweating for an hour or two in the gym and lowering the amount of food they consume daily, some need that extra metabolism boost in the form of a weight loss product. Also, there are the bodybuilders and professional heavy lifters who simply can’t afford to have any level of fats in their blood, so they also rely heavily on weight loss products. There’s a vast online [&hellip


Spinning Reel: Maintenance Tips

By Steve George

January 27, 2016Fishing Sports

Have you noticed something wrong with your fishing pole? The last couple of times you went fishing something did not feel right? It felt like your spinning reel was stuck with sand and paper? When you retrieved it, you struggled as if you are pulling a whale but there was nothing attached to your pole? We have the perfect fishing tips that can help you solve the problem quick and easy. You can find all of the steps that comprise the answer below


Few Tips On How To Master Rollerblading

By Steve George

December 11, 2015Sports

Okay, so you’ve tried different tricks to convince your son to spend weekends outside instead of in front of the TV, but without success. You ran out of ideas and are ready to give up? Well, not yet. Here’s one more ace up your sleeve – get him a pair of skates. Why that worried face? It’s roller skating, not extreme skateboarding. Rollerblading is a great exercise, not to mention how fun it can be. Do not forget to get him a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads though. Safety first. Mums know


If daily trips to the gym seem impossible for you or gym memberships are out of your budget, home fitness equipment can be a more convenient and affordable alternative. However, when looking for fitness equipment for sale, stay away from the fitness fiction of easy and quick results. Instead, give advantage to equipment that fits your lifestyle and budget. Plus, do not forget to shop around to get good deals. Pay Attention to What the Ads Say Home fitness equipment is a great way to get into shape – but only if you use it on a regular basis. Ads that promise easy and quick results are just selling lies. Here are some claims to watch for: “It’s easy, quick, and effortless” – Whichever fitness [&hellip


Knowing your heart rate by heart isn’t quite possible, but bettering your knowledge in that area in order to know when to slow down and when to push harder is in fact an essential asset that can significantly improve your running routine. The first thing you need to do is get a heart rate monitor and measure your maximum heart rate (MHR). Just bare in mind that the numbers are not fixed, our human bodies and their abilities are inconstant and may vary all the time. Therefore, it is recommended to re-test your MHR every month or two. Your heart rate will always be susceptible to the weather, your level of fitness at that particular moment, your diet and fatigue. If you’re feeling under the [&hellip


Caravans are a significant investment, especially when coming equipped with all sorts of additional caravanning equipment and accessories. Regular maintenance of your caravan should be one of your priorities, since it pays off in a long run in terms of greater reliability and greater resale value. But taking care of your caravan is not enough, you should take care of every piece of caravanning equipment you have additionally bought. This way your caravan will look better, run better, last longer and have a bigger resale value if you ever decide to sell it. Most importantly, well maintained caravan and related equipment ensures superior safety for you and your family. Try to create regular maintenance routine. Specify exactly what you are going to check and how [&hellip


The number of available fishing products essential for a succesfull fishing trip constantly increases. Fishing stores offer anything from lures, lines, rods, reels, fishing wear, to landing nets and many other fishing accessories crucial for landing small and big fish. Although all of the fishing equipment and accesoories mentioned above have their own part in the whole fishing process, still we will focus on the neccessity of owning a quality landing net. Every fishermen that seeks to cath big fish, would tell you that a quality landing net is a must. Choosing the ideal landing net design might be an overwhelming task at first. But, with our help, you can kiss your shopping headaches goodbye. Know Your Catch – The first step to choosing the [&hellip