Home Décor Tips: The Timeless Elegance of Resin Homewares

By Maria Rogerson

December 9, 2022Home & Decor

Looking for a quaint and charming way to style your home? Don’t like the current decor styles? Well then, you might just be in luck because resin homewares are making a powerful comeback and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down any time soon.

Resin Homewares
Source: thedesignfiles.net

Why Are Resin Homewares a Good Choice?

Let’s face it – most of the decor options we have these days are either too bland or too out there for most people’s taste. But resin homewares offer a perfect middle ground – they add just the right amount of personality to your space without being too over-the-top. Not only do they look good, but they have a number of other practical benefits as well, including:

Durable and Long-Lasting

If you’re getting any kind of home decor, you want it to last. Most of us don’t have the time or energy to constantly be replacing things every few months. So, whether you choose to buy a sturdy resin plate to serve food on or a charmingly rustic vase to put your flowers in, you can rest assured knowing that it’ll last you for years to come.

This is because resin is inherently a very tough and solid material. It consists of a mixture of different organic materials, including tree sap that has been hardened and moulded into the desired shape.

Low Maintenance

Does anyone actually like cleaning every nook and cranny of their house? Sure, some people find that therapeutic – but for the rest of us, it’s just a necessary evil. But with resin homewares, you won’t have to spend nearly as much time cleaning because they’re so low maintenance.

For example, if you get a resin tray to put your keys and wallet on when you come home, it’ll be very easy to wipe down and keep clean. The non-porous nature of resin means that dirt, dust, and other messes won’t be able to penetrate it and build up over time as they would with other materials.

sturdy resin plate
Source: firmdalehotels.com

Stains are also a thing of the past as this material doesn’t absorb anything. So, if you accidentally spill a bit of coffee on your new resin plate you can simply wipe it off with a damp cloth and it’ll be as good as new.

Plus, the UV inhibitor that’s mixed in with the resin protects it from fading in direct sunlight, so you don’t have to worry about it losing its colour over time. It won’t chip or crack either meaning you really don’t have to baby it too much. Just enjoy your new decor piece and let it do its thing.


The Aussie summer can be brutal – hot, humid, and just all-around unpleasant. Not only can this make it uncomfortable to be outside, but it can also wreak havoc on your household items, especially if they’re made from materials that are prone to absorbing moisture.

This is where resin homewares shine because they don’t absorb any environmental moisture whatsoever. It doesn’t matter if it’s humid, raining, or just super-hot outside – your resin items will stay completely dry and won’t warp or swell.

Resin Homeware Staples

Already sold on getting some resin pieces for your place? Eager to try out the trend for yourself? Then check out some of the main resin staples to help get you started:


As brushed upon previously, resin plates have just the right amount of personality to them. They come in all sorts of different colours, designs, and shapes, adding a bit of fun and flair to your mealtimes.

Each plate is meticulously crafted, ranging from subdued and earthy tones to bright and vibrant hues. The elegant green base or soft white background provides the perfect canvas for creative designs, from delicate black swirls to cheerful geometric patterns.


A tray is always a handy addition to any household because it provides a designated spot for carrying and storing things. Whether you’re taking out drinks to your guests or just want a place to keep your keys and wallet when you come home, having a designated tray can make your life a lot easier.

Some trays have handles for easy transport, while others are meant to be left in one spot. Some are rectangular or oval-shaped, while others are more freeform. And of course, they’re moulded into a variety of designs and colours to suit any aesthetic.


As lovely as they are, fresh flowers deserve a vase that’s just as beautiful. And what could be more gorgeous than a handcrafted resin one with a detailed surface design?

From sleek and modern ones with a minimalist aesthetic to more vintage-inspired pieces with a rustic vibe, there’s definitely a resin vase to suit your style. Most of them are designed to be used with fresh flowers, but there are also some that are meant for artificial arrangements.

Source: jardan.com.au

Lamp Bases

Choosing the right lamp for your home is undoubtedly one of the most crucial household tasks, as they provide much-needed light in any dim area. But why just go with any old lamp when you can have a stunning resin one instead?

Resin bases have a decadent yet understated look that can easily elevate any room. They’re often neutral in colour, letting the light shine through without being too overpowering. And of course, each one is unique with its own individual surface design.

Wall Decorations

How about something a little different for your walls? All the modern art prints and traditional paintings are great, but sometimes you just want something that’s a bit more eye-catching and out of the ordinary. This is where resin wall decorations can truly shine.

Whether you want something bold and abstract or sleek and minimalist, you’ll be able to find a resin wall hanging that suits your taste. Their distinct surfaces add an interesting dimension to any space, and they’re also a lot more durable than your average painting or print.