Considering how Australia has a pleasant climate and is home to some of the world’s most beautiful outdoor scenery, it’s no wonder that Aussies love camping. But we also love the comfort of our homes, right? And the outdoors can often be rough, cold and wet. However, with the right tent you can stay warm and dry, and enjoy everything nature has to offer. The following tips can help you pick an outdoor home that meets all your essential needs

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Every now and then we all need to take a break from the concrete jungle and just lose ourselves in the divinity of nature. If you are planning your next camping adventure and don’t want to embark without knowing that you’ll have the comfort of a spacious awning, you have probably already started the – not quite easy – search for the ideal awnings for your ride. Size, material, coating, price – what matters most? Self-supporting or not? Inflatable or conventional? In today’s blog post, I’ll provide some information and guidelines to help you find the best awnings for 4×4 vehicles. Let’s get to work

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Being a proud owner of a 4×4 doesn’t mean that you have to keep your vehicle as close as possible to the condition that you bought it in, but rather to keep upgrading it until it outperforms current generations (if possible). The majority of the population that owns a 4×4 vehicle hasn’t even considered getting an aftermarket 4wd exhaust just because they already have one. But what they don’t know is that aftermarket parts have more to offer than OEM as they are not made to just fit the vehicle but enhance its abilities as well. Because of this particular reason, in today’s blog post, I’m going to go through the advantages that a 4wd exhaust will give your off-roader. Buckle up and enjoy the [&hellip

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When microchips started to get implemented in cars during the late 80s, a new problem started to rise at the end of the current and the beginning of the new decade. In that time, the “modern-day” problem made people seek for a modern-day solution and thus came the tunning part of the microchip which today is known as the ‘performance chip’. The tunning of the performance chip brings more benefits than ever before and making good use of it will help you unleash the real power of your vehicle. For all this to make sense to you, let’s take a look at the benefits it provides

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If you’re interested in playing around with your car’s wiring system so that you can learn how the basics work, then you’ve come to the right place. I’ll talk about the very basics of auto electrics, and if most of this is too obvious for you, then you’re probably better off elsewhere reading more advanced guides. Otherwise, stick around and we’ll get right into it

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Our Tips for Buying a Bike Online

By Maria Rogerson

March 22, 2019Sports

While most of us know the importance of having an exercising routine to count on optimal well-being, it’s not everyone that’s into the gym workouts. Cycling happens to be a great workout that takes you away from enclosed spaces while at the same time it’s the perfect alternative to vehicles. It’s fun, it’s means of transport, and helps you maintain your fitness; what’s not to love? Simply said, cycling can change your life for the better. If this is your ideal workout then all you need is having the right bike to take to the road. Of course, now that the variety of bikes is so huge, it can be a daunting task to find the one that suits you most, especially if you have to [&hellip

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Most home garages are overstuffed. Usually, all it takes is a vehicle or two inside it and a few DIY tools or hobby items, and you can barely move without accidentally bumping into something. Plus, imagine if you’re into gardening and have a couple of backyard tools laying around as well? In this case, storage can definitely become a problem

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If a decade ago someone told me that I could open and close the blinds in my home with just a click of a button while chilling on the sofa, I wouldn’t have believed it. Today, however, motorized blinds are a part of most modern homes providing great convenience and style to any room they’re installed in. They are versatile pieces that provide so much more than just shade to your interior. Let’s take a look at some of their benefits and some simple tips on how to find the right model for your home. Control options There are a few different options you can choose from when it comes to all the ways you can control blinds. You can use a remote control or [&hellip

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We’ve all had bad hair days at one point or another in our lives but for some of us it seems like most of the year consists of them and it’s not something a simple bun or wearing a hat can fix. Truth is, we forget the hair requires TLC same way the skin does, and it all starts with making improvements product-wise to notice the difference. For instance, why choose synthetics when you can use natural hair products that would provide your hair with the much needed nourishment to get the perfect look and glow

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Ask any interior designer what their favourite piece of household furniture is, and chances are great that they will say “my designer dining chairs”. And that’s for some very good reasons – the right choice of dining chairs can make any monotonous set up more lively and inviting. For that very reason, in today’s blog post I’ll share with you some tips on how to choose and style your new dining chairs. Although different people have different tastes, there are some general guidelines that can help make your space feel cohesive without being too matchy-matchy

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